nummer 96
24 oktober 2019
Recht - Algemeen

Geachte lezer,

Bij dezen ontvangt u het eenentwintigste overzicht 2019 van recent verschenen Algemeen Juridische Literatuur.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Praktijkboek beroepsgeheim en informatieverstrekking in de zorg
Praktijkboek beroepsgeheim en informatievoorziening in de zorgHet medisch beroepsgeheim is bepalend in de relatie tussen hulpverlener en patiƫnt, maar zonder adequate informatieverstrekking is werken in de zorg niet mogelijk. lees meer

€ 25,70
W.L.J.M. Duijst
Paperback / softback
Maklu, Uitgever 1e druk
The Real Deal: Law Firm Leadership That Works
The experiences of Paul Smith, recent Chairman of Eversheds Sutherland, form the backbone of this brand new book in which Sally Dyson, executive coach and business consultant to the legal sector, interweaves accounts from pioneering law firm chiefs who have transformed the fortunes of their firms. Building on the lessons of experience, combined with the voices of clients and the predictions of industry and academic experts, this book tackles the key issues that all current and emerging law firm heads must conquer if their firms are to thrive. lees meer

€ 112,50
Sally Dyson & Paul Smith
Paperback / softback
Sweet & Maxwell
1e druk
A History of American Law
A History of American Law presents a general history of the legal system of the United States, beginning in the colonial period and continuing up to the present day. The book covers the changing configurations of commercial law, criminal law, family law, and the law of property. lees meer

€ 101,25
Lawrence M. Friedman
4e druk

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