nummer 102
01 2020
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

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Onderstaand treft onze laatste juridische nieuwsbrief aan, alweer de zevende van dit jaar.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

ICSID: An Introduction to the Convention and Centre
This book on ICSID and the ICSID Convention provides a detailed introduction to the world's leading institution devoted to international investment dispute settlement. The guide presents a full and accessible picture of an increasingly important dispute settlement mechanism. lees meer

€ 43,75
Antonio R. Parra
Paperback / softback
OUP Oxford
1e druk
The Energy Charter Treaty
A detailed article-by-article commentary on the Energy Charter Treaty, including coverage and analysis of the Treaty's history, background, jurisprudence, and reference to relationships with other treaties. lees meer

€ 243,75
Kaj Hobér
OUP Oxford
1e druk
De wet van Motley
Een buitengewone vrouw vecht voor rechtvaardigheid in een van de gevaarlijkste landen ter wereld

In De wet van Motley lees je hoe voormalig pro-Deoadvocaat Kimberley Motley door onconventioneel gebruik van de wetten in Afghanistan haar fundamentele geloof in rechtvaardigheid verdedigt.

lees meer

€ 21,99
Kimberley Motley
Paperback / softback
Luitingh Sijthoff
1e druk
The Right to Strike in International Law
This monograph was originally developed as a direct response to the claim made by members of the 'Employers Group' at the 2012 International Labour Conference, namely that the right to strike is not protected in international law, and in particular by ILO Convention 87 on the right to freedom of association. lees meer

€ 81,25
Lance Compa, K.D. Ewing, Janice Bellace & Jeffrey Vogt
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
1e druk
Cultural Difference and Economic Disadvantage in Regional Human Rights Courts
An Integrated View
More and more people are turning to human rights courts to seek protection against prejudice, disadvantage or exclusion on account of their cultural and economic particularities. Human rights courts are thus increasingly faced with the difficult task of deciding these cases, which raise a number of complex and contested legal questions. lees meer

€ 134,50
Valeska David
Intersentia Ltd
1e druk

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