nummer 138
12 november 2020
Recht - Ondernemingsrecht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het drieëntwintigste overzicht van 2020 met Juridische Literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Ondernemingsrecht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Inzicht in de ondernemingsraad. Editie 2021
De 32e editie van Inzicht in de ondernemingsraad bevat een uitvoerige, artikelsgewijze toelichting bij de Wet op de ondernemingsraden, aangevuld met een actueel overzicht van relevante jurisprudentie en een aantal bijlagen met nuttige informatie over de rol van de ondernemingsraad in andere regelgeving (waaronder arbeidstijden, arbeidsomstandigheden en raden van commissarissen/raden van toezicht). lees meer

€ 74,50
Dr. R.H. van het Kaar
Paperback / softback
Sdu Uitgevers
1e druk
Company Laws of the EU
This book aims to fill a gap in the process of confrontation between the disciplines, case laws and literature of the central EU member states. In particular it aims to address the difficulty of finding sources for scholars and professionals explaining the rules and guidelines of corporate law in the different European states. lees meer

€ 367,50
Andrea Vicari & Alexander Schall (Eds.)
Beck, Hart, Nomos
1e druk
Foreign Takeover Bids in China and the Netherlands
Foreign takeovers have triggered increasing vigilance of host governments, as foreign ownership is likely to be deemed a potential threat to local employment, strategic assets, economic network, high­tech competitiveness, and national security. lees meer

€ 85,00
D. Du
Eleven international publishing
1e druk
Industrial Design Rights
An International Perspective - 3rd. Edition
Industrial Design Rights is a revised and updated third edition of a significant work first published in 2001 under the auspices of the Intellectual Property Committee of the International Bar Association. lees meer

€ 221,40
Brian W. Gray (Ed.)
Wolters Kluwer
3e druk
Patent Protection for Second Medical Uses
2nd. Edition
When a party proposes a ‘second medical use’ for a known substance or compound, special issues of patentability and patent protection arise. Jurisdictions around the world vary significantly in their treatment of such claims. This detailed country-by-country analysis – here in an updated and expanded second edition – provides clarity, insight and guidance on the legal issues and practical implications of second medical use claims in twenty-four jurisdictions (the EPO and twenty-three individual countries). lees meer

€ 212,55
Jochen Bühling (Ed.)
Wolters Kluwer
Bank Recovery and Resolution
2nd. Edition
Bank Recovery and Resolution is a book that organises a highly complex legal system into patterns and action plans that can be applied in virtually any eventuality likely to arise in cases where bank business is of central significance. lees meer

€ 192,95
Sven Schelo
Wolters Kluwer
2e druk

Snuffel in de catalogus van ons Juridisch Antiquariaat


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