nummer 78
18 2019
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Bij dezen ontvangt u het achtste overzicht 2019 van recent verschenen juridische literatuur op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.
Op donderdagavond 9 mei om 19.30 houdt historicus en jurist Wilfried Uitterhoeve in onze winkel een lezing over zijn boek "De zaak Oldenbarnevelt; val, proces en executie. Via de link onderaan deze nieuwsbrief vindt u meer informatie over deze lezing. U kunt zich daar ook aanmelden.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

The Sources of International Law
This new edition of Hugh Thirlway's Sources of International Law provides an ideal introduction for anyone needing to better understand where international law comes from. It looks at modern and controversial sources, as well as the traditional areas of treaties and custom. lees meer

€ 100,00
Hugh Thirlway
OUP Oxford
2e druk
Transitional Justice and a State’s Response to Mass Atrocity
Reassessing the Obligations to Investigate and Prosecute
This book brings a new focus to the ongoing debate on holding perpetrators of massive humanitarian and human rights violations accountable in countries in transition. It provides a clear-cut and comprehensive legal analysis of the content and nature of a state's obligations to investigate and prosecute as enshrined in the most important humanitarian and human rights treaties; it disentangles the common fallacy that these procedural obligations are naturally rooted and clearly spelled out in the general human rights treaties; and it explains the flaws in an absolutist interpretation. lees meer

€ 153,50
Roberti di Sarsina
T.M.C. Asser Press
The State and Beyond
Traditionally, political legitimacy has been associated exclusively with states. But are states actually legitimate? And why should discussions of legitimacy focus only on the nation-state? This volume explores how legitimacy is intertwined with notions of statehood and how it reaches beyond the state into supranational institutions. lees meer

€ 87,50
Sadurski, Wojciech
OUP Oxford
1e druk
International Migration Law
A unique and comprehensive overview on the numerous international rules governing migration, this book brings together and analyses the disparate norms and treaties within international and European law. lees meer

€ 49,50
Vincent Chetail
Paperback / softback
OUP Oxford
1e druk
Strengthening International Fisheries Law in an Era of Chang
This collection addresses the central question of how the current international framework for the regulation of fisheries may be strengthened in order to meet the challenges posed by changing fisheries and ocean conditions, in particular climate change. lees meer

€ 106,25
Richard Caddell & Erik J. Molenaar (Eds.)
Hart Publishing
1e druk

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