nummer 84
18 juli 2019
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Bij dezen ontvangt u het veertiende overzicht 2019 van recent verschenen juridische literatuur op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Brownlie's Principles of Public International Law
Serving as a single volume introduction to the field as a whole, this ninth edition of Brownlie's Principles of International Law seeks to present international law as a system that is based on, and helps structure, relations among states and other entities at the international level. lees meer

€ 62,50
James Crawford
Paperback / softback
OUP Oxford
9e druk
Praktisch Internationaal Recht
- Zeer geschikt voor hbo-studenten; - speelt in op de actualiteit; - bevat verdiepende informatie bij internationale thema’s. Het internationale recht heeft veel invloed op ons nationale recht; het raakt ons strafrecht, privaatrecht en staats- en bestuursrecht. lees meer

€ 49,95
G.J.W.M. Kipping LL.M. & Mr.G.J.W.M. Kipping LL.M. & M.S. Beck-Soeliman & Mr.M.S. Beck-Soeliman
Paperback / softback
Noordhoff Uitgevers B.V. 2e druk
Women and Minority Rights Law in Africa: Reimagining Equality and Addressing Discrimination
This book brings together contributions from emerging African and internationally recognized scholars in the field of international human rights law and policy in general and women and minority rights in particular. lees meer

€ 65,00
Paperback / softback
Eleven international publishing
1e druk
Marital Captivity
Divorce, Religion and Human Rights
This collected edition by experts from all over the world, reflects a multidisciplinary approach to marital captivity and shows a multifaceted view of this widespread phenomenon. Marital captivity is a social and human rights problem that occurs within religions or religious communities worldwide. lees meer

€ 95,00
Eleven international publishing
1e druk
Nationality law in the Eastern Hemisphere
Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship in Asian Perspective
This edited volume consists of chapters that have previously been published as individual Asian country reports by the GLOBALCIT Observatory, formerly called the EUDO CITIZENSHIP Observatory due to its original focus on Europe and neighbouring countries. lees meer

€ 49,95
Paperback / softback
Wolf Productions
1e druk
National Accounts and environmentally Sustainable National Income
This book looks at some key economic aspects of the environment. Our planet is threatened by a wrong belief in a wrongly formulated growth. The term “economic growth” can only mean an increase in welfare but is often wrongly identified with production growth that may be destructive to the environment. lees meer

€ 27,50
Bart de Boer & Roefie Hueting
Paperback / softback
Eburon Uitgeverij
1e druk
The International Criminal Court in Turbulent Times
The chapters in this book are reworkings of presentations given during a conference held in 2018 at the German Embassy to the Netherlands in The Hague on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute. lees meer

€ 145,00
Gerhard Werle & Andreas Zimmermann (Eds.)
T.M.C. Asser Press
A Guide to International Disarmament Law
Disarmament is integral to the safeguarding and promotion of security, development, and human rights. Hundreds of millions of dollars are spent each year on disarmament operations, yet no comprehensive guide exists to explain clearly the international rules governing disarmament and to support the implementation of these rules in practice. lees meer

€ 37,50
Tobias Vestner & Stuart Casey-Maslen
Paperback / softback
Taylor & Francis Inc
1e druk

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