nummer 103
01 augustus 2019
Recht - Ondernemingsrecht

Geachte lezer,

Bij dezen ontvangt u het vijftiende overzicht 2019 van recent verschenen juridische literatuur op het gebied van het Ondernemingsrecht.
In nieuwsbrief 13 trof u 3 delen uit de serie 'Law and Practice of International Finance' van Philip R. Wood aan. In deze nieuwsbrief vindt u de laatste 6 delen waarmee de serie thans compleet is.
U kunt de serie ook als complete set tegen een speciale prijs bestellen: zie onderstaande informatie.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

The Law and Practice of International Finance - 9 Volume Set
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer
€ 2.775,00
Philip R. Wood | Hardback | | 2019 | 9781847032140
Principles of International Insolvency
3rd. Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 393,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
3e druk
Comparative Law of Security Interests and Title Finance
3rd. Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 368,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
3e druk
Set-Off and Netting, Derivatives and Clearing Systems
3rd. Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 318,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell Ltd
3e druk
Project Finance, Securitisations and Subordinated Debt
3rd Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 318,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
3e druk
Conflict of Laws in International Finance
2nd. Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 368,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
Regulation of International Finance
2nd. Edition
The Law and Practice of International Finance series is your definitive guide to international finance. It considers the full range of topics across nine volumes, setting out the law and practice of trading assets on the international markets. lees meer

€ 393,75
Philip R. Wood
Sweet & Maxwell
2e druk
Zorgvuldig ICT-gebruik
Een eerste kennismaking met het zorgvuldig gebruik van ICT
Weet u eigenlijk wel welke sociale en juridische risico#s schuilgaan achter ICT-gebruik? Deze titel maakt ze inzichtelijk, en verkent daarbij wat zorgvuldig ICT-gebruik inhoudt en onderstreept welke afwegingen u als professional daarin kunt # en soms moet # maken. lees meer

€ 28,50
Paperback / softback
Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V. 4e druk
Information Technology Law
The Law and Society
Information Technology Law takes a unique socio-legal approach to examining the interaction between the law and other elements of the information society. Murray discusses relevant issues such as governance, free expression, and crime with enthusiasm, and looks forward to future challenges presented by developing technologies. lees meer

€ 52,50
Andrew Murray
Paperback / softback
OUP Oxford
4e druk

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