nummer 116
15 oktober 2020
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het eenentwintigste overzicht van 2020 met Juridische Literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Longer Than Life
How the ICTY Strengthened the Rule of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia
The ICTY closed its doors in 2017. It had been set up in 1993 in order to prosecute crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. Although its mandate was limited to that of a criminal court, the Tribunal aimed at strengthening the rule of law in the countries under its jurisdiction. lees meer

€ 89,50
Kei Hannah Brodersen
Eleven international publishing
1e druk
The Global Community Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence 2019
The 2019 edition of The Global Community: Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence constitutes the only thorough annual survey of major developments in international courts. General Editor Giuliana Ziccardi Capaldo selects excerpts from important court opinions, supported by contributors who provide expert guidance on those cases. lees meer

€ 293,75
The Nationality of Corporate Investors under International Investment Law
This monograph offers a detailed and distinctive analysis of corporate nationality under international investment law, covering the ICSID Convention and the investment treaty framework. It takes the reader back to the basics, threading through the concepts of jurisdiction, nationality, and corporate personality to give a clear context to the discussion of corporate nationality under international investment law, at a time when international investment is dominated by multinational business enterprises operating in a globalised economy. lees meer

€ 99,50
Anil (University of Essex) Yilmaz Vastardis
Hart Publishing
1e druk
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - volume 61
The International Criminal Court 2012-2014
The sixty-first volume of the Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals contains the most important decisions taken by the ICC in the years 2012 - 2014. It provides the reader with the full text of the decisions identical to the original version and including concurring, separate and dissenting opinions. lees meer

€ 199,00
Andre Klip & Stephen Freeland (Eds.)
Paperback / softback
1e druk
Principles of International Criminal Law
Principles of International Criminal Law is one of the leading textbooks in the field of international criminal justice. This fourth edition retains the detailed and systematic approach of previous editions, whist adding substantial new material on new theories, laws, and prosecutions. lees meer

€ 62,50
Florian Jeßberger & Gerhard Werle
Paperback / softback
Oxford University Press
4e druk

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