nummer 121
10 december 2020
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het vijfentwintigste overzicht van 2020 met Juridische Literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Cases and Documentation International Law
This compilation consists of key cases and materials in the area of public international law, selected by the Department of International and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. lees meer

€ 35,00
Masuma Shahid & Lana Said
Paperback / softback
Eleven international publishing
1e druk
Counter-Terrorism & Criminal Law
In an effort to prevent a terrorist attack, legislators increasingly resort to criminal law measures at an early stage of the iter criminis. Although this pre-emptive turn is often criticized, a thorough assessment based upon the fundaments of the criminal justice system is largely absent in scholarly discourse. lees meer

€ 39,00
Stéphanie de Coensel
Paperback / softback
Maklu, Uitgever 1e druk
Provisional Measures Issued by International Courts and Tribunals
This book makes a significant contribution to the comprehension of the law and practice of provisional measures issued by international courts and tribunals, including international commercial arbitration. lees meer

€ 134,80
F.M. Palombino, R. Virzo & G. Zarra (Eds.)
T.M.C. Asser Press
Due Diligence in the International Legal Order
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the content, scope, and function of due diligence across various areas of international law. Looking at current tendancies towards proceduralisation and more proactive risk management, it reveals the promises and limits of due diligence as a concept for enhancing accountability and compliance. lees meer

€ 100,00
Heike Krieger, Anne Peters & Leonhard Kreuzer
Oxford University Press

Bekijk het aanbod van ons juridisch antiquariaat


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