nummer 124
07 januari 2021
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het eerste overzicht van 2021 met Juridische Literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
Developing a Responsible History Framework
This book argues for a more moderate approach to history-writing in international criminal adjudication by articulating the elements of a “responsible history” normative framework. The question of whether international criminal courts and tribunals (ICTs) ought to write historical narratives has gained renewed relevance in the context of the recent turn to history in international criminal law, the growing attention to the historical legacies of the ad hoc Tribunals and the minimal attention paid to historical context in the first judgment of the International Criminal Court. lees meer

€ 145,00
Dr Aldo Zammit Borda
T.M.C. Asser press
The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law
A View from the Venice Commission
In this book one of the longest-standing members of The Venice Commission reflects on the work of the institution to show how constitutional law in Europe (and beyond) has become increasingly borderless. lees meer

€ 87,50
Gergio Bartole
Hart Publishing
1e druk
Environmental Courts and Tribunals
Powers, Integrity and the Search for Legitimacy
The global phenomenon of the establishment of specialist courts is one of the most important recent developments in environmental law. Although they are generally seen as a much needed innovation, they do pose challenges, particularly around questions of legitimacy. lees meer

€ 93,75
Professor Ceri Warnock
Hart Publishing
1e druk
De staat van Taiwan
Op 1 oktober 1949 riep Mao Zedong de Volksrepubliek China uit. Daarmee was de Chinese Burgeroorlog beslecht in het voordeel van de communisten. Chiang Kai-shek trok zich met de ‘nationalistische’ Kwomintang terug op Taiwan, dat na de Japanse capitulatie in de Tweede Wereldoorlog werd bezet door China. lees meer

€ 65,00
Werner Somers
Wolf legal publishers
1e druk

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