nummer 130
01 2021
Recht - Internationaal (publiek)recht

Geachte lezer,

Hierbij ontvangt u het zevende overzicht van 2021 met Juridische Literatuur die de afgelopen twee weken verschenen is op het gebied van het Internationaal Recht.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Eric Koreman

Gestolde macht
Gestolde macht is een inleiding tot de geschiedenis van de staat in Europa, op het kruispunt van de politieke geschiedenis en de rechtsgeschiedenis, met een focus op de 17e, 18e en 19e eeuw. Diplomatie, vredesverdragen (Vrede van Westfalen, Congres van Wenen) en de Europese staatsleer waren essentieel in die ontwikkeling. lees meer

€ 35,95
Frederik Dhondt
Paperback / softback
1e druk
Reproductive Violence and international Criminal Law
This book deals with the phenomenon of conflict-related reproductive violence and explores the international legal framework’s capacity to respond to it. The international discourse on gender-based violence in conflicts tends to focus on sexualized crimes, which leads to incomplete narratives of the gendered dimensions of armed conflicts. lees meer

€ 145,00
Tanja Altunjan
T.M.C. Asser Press
General Principles as a Source of International Law
Art 38(1)(c) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of an often neglected, misunderstood and maligned source of international law. Article 38(1)(c) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice sets out that the Court will apply the 'general principles of law recognized by civilized nations'. lees meer

€ 114,75
Dr. Imogen Saunders
Hart Publishing
1e druk
Necessity and Proportionality and the Right of Self-Defence in International Law
The right of States to use force extraterritorially is conditioned by requirements of necessity and proportionality. This book provides a much-needed detailed analysis of those requirements, and a coherent and up-to-date account of the applicable contemporary international law in this field. lees meer

€ 108,00
Chris O'Meara
OUP Oxford
1e druk
Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea
Limitations on Party Autonomy
Jurisdiction and Arbitration Agreements in Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea focuses on party autonomy and its limitations in relation to jurisdiction and arbitration clauses included in contracts for the carriage of goods by sea in case of any cargo dispute. lees meer

€ 195,75
Echebarria Fernandez, Jonatan
Taylor & Francis Ltd
1e druk

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