Boekhandel Douwes Den Haag

Länsi-Suomi / Finland West Bike map

Länsi-Suomi / Finland West Bike map

Länsi-Suomi / Finland West Bike map

Länsi-Suomi / Finland West Bike map


A map for trekking in Western Finland, , GT Cycling- and Outdoor Map 1:250.000 / 1:400.000 , The map offers you a comprehensive, detailed overview of road conditions, hiking, leisure facilities of any kind, landscape conditions and much more in Finland., , Finland has been divided into the following areas: , GT Southfinland (Etelä-Suomi) 1:250.000 , GT Westfinland (Länsi-Suomi) 1:250.000, GT Eastfinland (Itä-Suomi) 1:250.000 , GT Northfinnland (Pohjois-Suomi) 1:400.000, , In addition, the map of selected areas and cities contains detailed plans at a scale of 1:40 000 Further general information for cyclists, hikers and snowmobilers are included., , Legend includes:, Motorway or other dual carriageway, singel carriageway, number of the interchange, other surfaced singel carriageway, unsurfaced roads, private roads, European road, main road, distance in km, moveable bridge, gate, ferries, international car ferry harbour, railway, tunnel, airport, airfield, filling station, servicestation, hotel, motel, youth hostel, holiday village, camping site, rest area, museum, monument, point of interest, nattural formation, point of interest for families, wintersports center, swimming, golf cours, open wilderness hut, day trip hut, reservable hut, rental hut, sauna, dangerous rapids, canoe carrying, nature information center, acces to nature park or trail, canoe route, snowmoble route or trail, national cycling touring route on surfaced, unsurfaced bicicle path or roads, local cycling touring route on surfaced, unsurfaced bicicle path or roads, other cycling path, mountainbike route, EuroVelo route, settlement, storage area, notable builing, masi, view tower, church, lighthouse, field, wooded marsh, open marsh, contour lines, 20m, boundaries, National Park, other natural conservation area, public hiking area, , Languages: Finish, Swedish, German, English, Russian, current edition, Format: open 119 x 85 cm / folded 11 x 21,5cm, double-side, , An Outdoor GT map is based on a road map with wetlands and contour lines (20-metre intervals) added and with plenty of travelling information.


€ 26,30

Levertijd: 5 tot 10 werkdagen

Beschrijving Länsi-Suomi / Finland West Bike map

A map for trekking in Western Finland,
GT Cycling- and Outdoor Map 1:250.000 / 1:400.000 ,
The map offers you a comprehensive, detailed overview of road conditions, hiking, leisure facilities of any kind, landscape conditions and much more in Finland.,
Finland has been divided into the following areas: ,
GT Southfinland (Etelä-Suomi) 1:250.000 ,
GT Westfinland (Länsi-Suomi) 1:250.000,
GT Eastfinland (Itä-Suomi) 1:250.000 ,
GT Northfinnland (Pohjois-Suomi) 1:400.000,
In addition, the map of selected areas and cities contains detailed plans at a scale of 1:40 000 Further general information for cyclists, hikers and snowmobilers are included.,
Legend includes:,
Motorway or other dual carriageway, singel carriageway, number of the interchange, other surfaced singel carriageway, unsurfaced roads, private roads, European road, main road, distance in km, moveable bridge, gate, ferries, international car ferry harbour, railway, tunnel, airport, airfield, filling station, servicestation, hotel, motel, youth hostel, holiday village, camping site, rest area, museum, monument, point of interest, nattural formation, point of interest for families, wintersports center, swimming, golf cours, open wilderness hut, day trip hut, reservable hut, rental hut, sauna, dangerous rapids, canoe carrying, nature information center, acces to nature park or trail, canoe route, snowmoble route or trail, national cycling touring route on surfaced, unsurfaced bicicle path or roads, local cycling touring route on surfaced, unsurfaced bicicle path or roads, other cycling path, mountainbike route, EuroVelo route, settlement, storage area, notable builing, masi, view tower, church, lighthouse, field, wooded marsh, open marsh, contour lines,
20m, boundaries, National Park, other natural conservation area, public hiking area,
Languages: Finish, Swedish, German, English, Russian,
current edition,
Format: open 119 x 85 cm / folded 11 x 21,5cm, double-side,
An Outdoor GT map is based on a road map with wetlands and contour lines (20-metre intervals) added and with plenty of travelling information. The map shows also the areas covered by the detailed outdoor maps published by Karttakeskus to help travellers find a more accurate map of their destination. On the side of the map you will find information on national cycling routes, instructions on carrying bicycles in public transports, kayak and canoe trails, hiking trails and snowmobile routes.

Sheet map, folded