Populist Mobilization
Aslanidis, Dr Paris (Lecturer of Political Science, Lecturer of Political Science, Yale University)
€ 117,60
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On Xi Jinping
Rudd, Kevin (Former Prime Minister, Former Prime Minister, Australia)
€ 37,80
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Unconquered States
€ 200,20
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The Most Powerful Court in the World
Stuart (Norman Abrams Distinguished Professor of Law Banner
€ 43,40
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Security in Crisis
Columba (University of Bristol) Peoples
€ 105,00
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The Law and Practice of International Commissions of Inquiry
Meierhenrich, Jens
€ 133,00
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Loxton, James (Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Department of Government and International Relations, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Politics, Department of Government and International Relations, University of Sydney)
€ 12,60
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Positioning Women in Conflict Studies
Hill, Jr., Daniel W. (Associate Professor of International Affairs, Associate Professor of International Affairs, University of Georgia) & Karim, Sabrina (Hardis Family Assistant Professor of Government, Hardis Family Assistant Professor of Government, Cornell University)
€ 28,00
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Cricket and Nationhood in the Twenty-First Century
€ 126,00
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The Thinkers
Fagan, E.J. (Assistant Professor of Political Science, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois-Chicago)
€ 89,60
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The Liberal Script at the Beginning of the 21st Century
€ 166,60
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Movement Parties of the Far Right
Castelli Gattinara, Pietro (Associate Professor and Chair in Digital Political Communication, Associate Professor and Chair in Digital Political Communication, Universite Libre de Bruxelles) & Pirro, Andrea L. P. (Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Assistant Professor, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna)
€ 138,60
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Religion and Politics Under Capitalism
Arvidsson, Stefan
€ 161,00
Nog te verschijnen
Puerto Rico
Jorge (Professor of Anthropology Duany
€ 18,20
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Routledge Handbook of International Relations in the Middle East
Shahram Akbarzadeh
€ 245,00
Nog te verschijnen
Dams, Power, and the Politics of Ethiopia's Renaissance
Lavers, Dr Tom (Reader, Reader, University of Manchester)
€ 138,60
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Foucault's Technologies
Villadsen, Kaspar
€ 166,60
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The Making of the Conservative Party's Immigration Policy
Partos, Rebecca (SE916332 NFA Statement returned, we have bank details on SAP and payment is set to electronic payment)
€ 161,00
Nog te verschijnen
The Immigrant Superpower
Tim (President of The American Lyceum Kane
€ 21,00
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The Grammar of Status Competition
Paul David (Senior Researcher Beaumont
€ 82,60
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British-Irish Relations in the Twenty-First Century
Tannam, Etain (Associate Professor International Peace Studies, Associate Professor International Peace Studies, Trinity College Dublin)
€ 138,60
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The Social Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Pandemic
€ 135,80
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Local Government in Bangladesh
Mohammad Tarikul (Jahangirnagar University Islam
€ 168,00
Nog te verschijnen
Causal Inquiry in International Relations
Humphreys, Adam R. C. (Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Reading) & Suganami, Hidemi (Emeritus Professor of International Politics, Emeritus Professor of International Politics, Aberystwyth University)
€ 138,60
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